November 19, 2017

32422984_1777589418990217_612127758457241600_n.jpgAfter Father Kottar reviewed the survey, his comments/feedback was integrated into the document. His input was primarily trimming down lengthy questions and eliminating some questions where he determined parishioners did not have a basis to not respond, i.e., “Is the church kitchen sufficiently large for holding parish-wide social events?”

The survey was completed reformatted. Copies were to be made for distribution after weekend Masses the weekends of December 9-10 and December 16-17.  The plan was to hand out the surveys to all parishioners in each family age 16 and up. Also, a basket was to be available for dropping off the completed surveys.

November 14, 2017


Several Pastoral Council members were asked to review the first draft of the survey. Feedback was timely and ideas were incorporated into the document. Terry Seen, Secretary of the Pastoral Council suggested some formatting ideas to make the document simpler to complete.

November 13, 2017

Register in the Parish

sandamianocrossAn important part of the Pastoral Plan is gathering an accurate census of parishioners.

If you have not registered in the parish please take a few moments to fill out the basic registration.

You can also use this form to update an existing registration.

November 2, 2017

33197442_1787755471306945_906157268171489280_o.jpgThe Executive Committee of the Pastoral Council met to set the agenda for the Pastoral Council meeting planned for November 6, 2017. The progress of the survey development was an agenda item and Father Kottar asked for input from the Executive Committee about the survey; the format, the length, the topics. Laura Ziegler, Vice President of the Pastoral Council was adamant that the parishioners, in fact no one would be interested in the survey beyond the first page or at most 10 questions. Terry Seen was in complete agreement, reiterating that one page was the most the survey should include.

The Pastoral Council would be informed of the survey administration plan at the November 6th meeting also.