November 2, 2017

33197442_1787755471306945_906157268171489280_o.jpgThe Executive Committee of the Pastoral Council met to set the agenda for the Pastoral Council meeting planned for November 6, 2017. The progress of the survey development was an agenda item and Father Kottar asked for input from the Executive Committee about the survey; the format, the length, the topics. Laura Ziegler, Vice President of the Pastoral Council was adamant that the parishioners, in fact no one would be interested in the survey beyond the first page or at most 10 questions. Terry Seen was in complete agreement, reiterating that one page was the most the survey should include.

The Pastoral Council would be informed of the survey administration plan at the November 6th meeting also.

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Pastoral Plan for St. Mary Help of Christians Parish in Shelby, NC.